CLA Akademi | Enerji Gazetesi

Young People Created Solutions to Protect the Environment


Two simultaneous idea marathons were organized for middle school and high school students within the scope of the “Coding Tomorrow” project, which was implemented in cooperation with Vodafone Turkey Foundation and Habitat Association and reached more than 180 thousand children all over Turkey. In the events held online under the common name of “Smart Technologies for the Environment Idea Marathon”, participating teams were asked to find solutions to climate and environmental problems by using smart technologies. The TED-R Green Future team won the Idea marathon with the “Fismatik” project in the High School group, and the Stenocora team with the “Artificial Dew Tree” project in the Middle School group.

The “Coding Tomorrow” project, implemented by Vodafone Turkey Foundation and Habitat Association, continues to prepare children and youth for the digital future. Within the scope of the project, which reached more than 180 thousand children all over Turkey, two simultaneous idea marathons were organized, one for middle school and the other for high school students. In the events held online under the common name of “Smart Technologies for the Environment Idea Marathon”, participating teams were asked to find solutions to climate and environmental problems by using smart technologies. Vodafone employees also provided mentorship support to the participants according to their fields of expertise.

The TED-R Green Future team won the “Fismatics” project in the High School group, and the Stenocora team won the “Artificial Dew Tree” project in the Secondary School group in the idea marathon, in which 103 students competed in 45 teams. In both categories, the first team was awarded 15 thousand TL, the second team 10 thousand TL and the third team 5 thousand TL.

Evaluating the idea marathon, Vodafone Turkey Foundation President Hasan Süel said:

“As Vodafone Turkey Foundation and Habitat Association, we continue with great determination the ‘Coding Tomorrow’ project, which we started 5 years ago with the aim of raising generations ready for the digital future. At a time when we were thinking about how we can use technology for the good of humanity and to respond to a social need of the society, we said, let’s first do a project to increase people’s technology literacy and their tendency to technology, and start with children. Thus, in August 2016, we started to teach our children aged 7-14 to code, the language of the digital world, in cooperation with the Habitat Association. With our ‘Coding Tomorrow’ project, we want to contribute to raising a generation that produces, not consumes. To date, we have taught coding to more than 180 thousand children in 81 provinces. We held the first idea marathon of the new era. With this marathon, we aimed to create stories that will provide solutions to concrete social problems. Interest in our marathon was high. Our students were well prepared. We had many students who focused on forest fires and produced ideas. Vodafone employees also provided mentorship support to our participating students. We congratulate all of our participants, especially our students who won the rankings.”

Habitat Association Chairman of the Board of Directors, Sezai Ready, said:

“We continue our ‘Coding Tomorrow’ project, which we started 5 years ago together with Vodafone Turkey Foundation, in order to contribute to the training of the young generation who not only use technology but also produce it, with the same excitement as on the first day. The past process has shown us that knowing coding is as important as knowing how to read and write. With our project, we contribute to the preparation of our children for the digital world of the future by developing processes that lead to the digital transformation experienced by the world and our country. With the ‘Smart Technologies for the Environment Idea Marathon’ we organized as part of the project, children developed their ideas by producing solutions to climate and environmental problems in the near future with smart technologies. At a time when environmental problems are becoming more evident every day, I believe that producing environmentally sensitive ideas with an idea marathon involving young people will make significant contributions to raising awareness of individuals and producing solutions against environmental and climate crises.”

They came first with the online voucher idea

65 students competed in 29 teams in the high school group. In this group where 7 teams competed in the final, TED-R Green Future team came first, Water Defenders team came second and Space Pirates Cameo team came third. The TED-R Green Future team, consisting of İrem Aymelek, Ege Aleyna Gülle and Mina Aden Başar, took the first place with the “Fişmatik” project they developed to reduce the use of paper receipts. The team suggested that a mobile application should be developed and the receipts should be transferred to the online platform, instead of paper receipts that use a lot of oil and water in their production, cause many trees to be cut down, harm human health due to BPA in their ink, and cannot be recycled.

They came first with the idea of ​​artificial tree

In the secondary school group, 38 students competed in 16 teams. In this group, where 5 teams competed in the final, Stenocora team came first, Environmental Friends team came second, and Group Kozalak team came third. At My First

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