Green Pi Enerji

‘EU’ Will Provide IBB with 3 Million Euro Sustainable Energy Grant Support

‘EU’ Will Provide IBB with 3 Million Euro Sustainable Energy Grant Support

The EU will provide consultancy and 3 million Euro grant support to the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality for the development of sustainable energy projects.

The application of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) to the “European Union (EU for Energy Transformation): Contract of Mayors in the Western Balkans and Turkey Project” within the scope of the “EUforEnergy” program in May 2021 has resulted in a positive result. With the project, the EU will provide consultancy services and technical and capacity support to the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality on the development of the “Sustainable Energy and Climate Plan” (SECAP).

With the agreement signed at the Saraçhane campus of IMM with the delegation from Lithuania, the EU will provide 3 million Euros of grant support to IMM.

IMM Will Now Have a Concrete Action Plan in the Fight Against Global Warming
Mehmet Alkanalka, Head of Foreign Relations Department of IMM, who gave information about the project after the signatures, said, “With this project, IMM will now have a concrete action plan in the fight against global warming, which is the biggest problem of our age and future.” said.

“EUforEnergy” program“EUforEnergy” programıenergy sector newsEnerji Dönüşümü için Avrupa Birliği (AB)enerji sektörü piyasası haberleriEuropean Union for Energy Transformation (EU)fight against Global Warminggrantgrant supporthibehibe desteğiibbibb haberleriibb newsİstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi haberleriIstanbul Metropolitan Municipality newsKüresel Isınmaya karşı mücadeleMehmet AlkanalkaMehmet Alkanalka Kaynak: AB’den İBB’ye 3 milyon avro sürdürülebilir enerji hibesiMehmet Alkanalka Source: İBB from EU Sustainable energy grant of 3 million eurossürdürülebilir enerjisürdürülebilir enerji hibesiSürdürülebilir Enerji Hibesi DesteğiSürdürülebilir Enerji ve İklim Planı (SECAP)sürdürülebilir yaşam haberleriSustainable EnergySustainable Energy and Climate Plan (SECAP)sustainable energy grantSustainable Energy Grant Supportsustainable living news
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