Green Pi Enerji

Can Smart City Technologies Be A Solution To Environmental Problems?

Can Smart City Technologies Be A Solution To Environmental Problems?

Recently, we frequently encounter issues such as mucilage, forest fires, waste management, management of water and energy resources, as well as smart urbanization projects and processes. So, how smart urbanization and environmental problems are intricately intertwined, how can they bring about changes?

When we say smart urbanization, the image that comes to mind for many of us is like a science fiction movie. The place of nature in this image is very limited. However, when it comes to smart urbanization, finding solutions to environmental problems and using resources effectively are among the priorities because according to the United Nations, it is estimated that the world population will reach 9.7 billion in 2050 and the proportion of the population living in cities will reach 70 percent. This is considered among the indicators that cities and resources are at risk if they are not used effectively.

Cerebrum Tech Founder and Chairman of the Board, which is one of the leading technology manufacturers in the industry in smart urbanization processes. R. Erdem Erkul especially draws attention to the issue of efficiency while evaluating the issue. Erkul said, “The increasing population density and the pandemic, which has been on the world agenda for about 2 years, showed us that we need to take ‘strict measures’ especially on healthy living and environmental problems. So how can we provide them? The answer to this question is hidden in smart city technologies. While developing smart city technologies, we especially focus on ideas that can reverse environmental problems. For example, we design technology products enriched with artificial intelligence that can detect forest fires and changes in our seas within seconds. With smart traffic and parking management systems, we can reduce the traffic density by 30 percent and achieve an efficiency of over 25 percent in fuel expenditures. Thanks to data analysis and decision support systems based on artificial intelligence, we are able to take urgent measures by making data-based predictions. Thanks to smart energy management, we achieve significant energy savings. We can reconfigure many of our other technologies for cities to take smart measures. At the stage of efficient use of our country’s resources, technology has become a necessity.”

While the smart cities ecosystem, which had a market size of 83.1 billion dollars in 2019, is expected to reach 297 billion dollars by 2026, the largest markets for smart urbanization technologies are the USA, the UK and Singapore. Although the largest smart city segment focuses on ‘smart infrastructure technologies’, ‘transportation’ problems are among the areas where the most effective solutions are produced.

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