Green Pi Enerji

Germany Sets Windfall Tax at 90% for Clean Power Generators

Germany Sets Windfall Tax at 90% for Clean Power Generators

Germany has set out its plan to claw back 90% of the earnings from some clean power generators as the government seeks funding for its consumer aid package.

The government is planning to skim earnings above €130 a megawatt-hour for solar, wind and nuclear, according to a draft law seen by Bloomberg News. Politicians are trying to reclaim some of the profits that companies like RWE AG are making from high power…

Lignite mills will be taxed on their earnings of over 52 euros per megawatt hour, and oil plants of 28 euros. The decisions will be valid for 10 months starting in September and can be extended until the end of 2024.

In the news, it was noted that Germany resorted to taxation to find resources for consumer aid packages worth 54 billion dollars.

açık deniz rüzgârıalmanyaAşırı Kar Vergisiclean energy newsclean energy producersenerji üretimiExcess Profit TaxGermanygreen energyGüneş Enerjisinuclearnükleeroffshore windpower generationsolar energytemiz enerji haberleritemiz enerji üreticileriyeşil enerji
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