Green Pi Enerji

‘Carlsberg Group’ Receives Electric Trucks From Renault Trucks

‘Carlsberg Group’ Receives Electric Trucks From Renault Trucks

Renault Trucks and the Swiss brewery Feldschlösschen, owned by the Carlsberg Group, have made a concrete commitment to carbon-neutral transport. Within the framework of this historical contract, Renault Trucks delivered 20 electric trucks.

Feldschlösschen CEO Thomas Amstutz said; “These 20 Renault Trucks electric vehicles represent a real milestone on the road to carbon-neutral logistics for Feldschlösschen company. As Switzerland’s leading brewery and beverage distributor, we produce our products in an environmentally friendly way and deliver them to our customers alike,” he said. .

Bruno Blin, President of Renault Trucks, added: “Renault Trucks is investing heavily to address the challenges of climate change. I am proud that our customers are on the same path as us, as in the case of Feldschlösschen today. We are working together to make sustainable transportation a reality.”

Combining performance and efficiency in the fight against global warming

Feldschlösschen, 26-tonne Renault Trucks D Wide Z.E. took delivery of most of the trucks a few months ago. The trucks produced at Renault Trucks’ Blainville-sur-Orne facility in Normandy are delivered to Swiss customers from Feldschlösschen’s 12 logistics centers. The vehicles, which have already covered a total of 66,000 km, have transported 9,300 tons of goods.

Thanks to these electric vehicles of Renault Trucks, Feldschösschen will prevent the emission of 240 tons of CO2 per year compared to diesel trucks.

carbon-free transportation newsCarlsberg Groupcombating global warmingcombating the climate crisiselectric truck newselectric vehicle newselektrikli araç haberlerielektrikli kamyon haberleriiklim krizi ile mücadelekarbonsuz lojistik haberlerikarbonsuz taşımacılık haberleriküresel ısınma ile mücadeleRenault TrucksRenault Trucks D Wide Z.E. kamyonlarıRenault Trucks D Wide Z.E. trucks
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