World Must Go Beyond ‘Hot Air’ at COP26 Climate Summit

World leaders need to come up with much more than “hot air” at the United Nations’ Climate Change Conference (COP26) in November if the planet is to have any chance of cooling down, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Thursday.

COP26, which will be held in Glasgow, Scotland, is important as it could accelerate measures by the world’s biggest polluters to tackle the climate change which activists, scientists and world leaders say could ultimately endanger the planet.

“If all that emerges from COP26 is more hot air, then we have absolutely no chance of keeping our planet cool,” Johnson told the virtual Petersberg Climate Dialogue summit.

“It must be a summit of agreement, of action, of deeds, not words. For that to happen, over the next six months, we must be relentless in our ambition and determination, laying the foundations on which success will be built,” he said.

Johnson, who is keen to burnish his environmental credentials, said he would push leaders at a Group of Seven summit he will chair in June to make firm climate commitments…

Source: Reuters

activistsaktivistlerBilim insanlarıBirleşmiş Milletler İklim Değişikliği Konferansı (COP26) haberleriBoris Johnsonclimate commitmentsClimate financecombating climate changecop26 Climate summitCOP26 İklim Zirvesidetailed life newsdünya liderleriGlasgowiklim değişikliğiyle mücadeleİklim Finansmanıİklim Taahhütleriİskoçya'dan haberlernet sıfıra (karbon emisyonları) geçiş desteğinet zero (emissions) transition to zero supportNews from Scotlandscientistssürdürülebilir yaşam haberleriunited nations Climate change conference (cop26) newsworld leaders
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