Green Pi Enerji

Let’s Earn Money with Energy Efficient Cooling on World Cooling Day!

Let’s Earn Money with Energy Efficient Cooling on World Cooling Day!

On the 26th of June, World Refrigeration Day, he emphasized the importance of the air conditioning sector for the careers of young people, emphasizing the climate crisis impact and cost of refrigeration, which is indisputable for the society in daily and industrial life.

Refrigeration is important in the production, storage and transportation of agricultural and animal products, medicines and vaccines in our home, vehicle, school, hotel, market, hospital. Cooling is one of the critical technologies in industry. Stating that cooling is important for our comfort, hygiene, health and food safety in indoor environments, Istanbul Technical University Faculty Member and Sustainable Production and Consumption Association (SÜT-D) President Prof. Dr. Filiz Karaosmanoğlu made a special statement for the 26 June World Refrigeration Day.

Let’s not change our climate by heating our world for air conditioning

We make air conditioning by choosing the heating, cooling, refreshing and humidity conditions of the air in our buildings, rooms and industry, making technical decisions, and preferences for our indoor atmosphere. Emphasizing that the production and use of air conditioning devices affect our planet and our purse, especially energy consumption, Prof. Dr. Filiz Karaosmanoğlu said, “As we consume energy, greenhouse gases that warm our world and cause climate crisis spread, while our carbon footprint increases, our electricity bill also rises. Let’s not change our climate by heating our world for the climate we prefer. Let’s not cause a climate crisis,” he said.

Let’s make the right choices for climate-friendly air conditioning

Prof. Karaosmanoğlu said, “For climate-friendly air conditioning, citizens, industrialists and service providers have decision and implementation choices. Two main technical ways are possible to reduce the impact of air conditioning energy on the climate crisis. Ensuring that the source of electricity generation is renewable such as solar, wind, water and biomass, by purchasing energy efficient devices with the right technical choices, by making adequate maintenance and repairs on time. Our industry offers energy efficient devices to the market. There are also two main technical ways for renewable-based electricity consumption. To produce and consume on-site energy such as solar electricity on the roof of the air-conditioned building and to purchase green electricity with the Renewable Energy Source Guarantee (YEK-G) System. He pointed out that the new power of our energy market, with the YEK-G Certificate, will reduce the carbon footprint of the air conditioning industry, and the energy stored in the products of our refrigeration industrialist will decrease in the carbon footprint and thus the export power in the market will increase.

Our air-conditioning industry awaits our youth and champions

Stating that the theme of 26 June World Refrigeration Day was chosen as “Cooling Champions: A Great Career for a Better World” and aiming to inspire young people, Prof. Karaosmanoğlu This year, when we started the campaign to green our planet, where we live with plants, animals and microorganisms, but disrupt our water and land ecosystems and create harvests, we need competent young people with white, blue and green collars, especially from technical professions, in the air conditioning sector. Our young people can progress in their careers in our industry, where local and multinational brands are located, with a high level of non-governmental and export power, and they can be happy professionals who live in harmony with nature, are ecosystem and climate friendly, and celebrate the World Refrigeration Day of those who work in the air conditioning sector of our country.

26 Haziran Dünya Soğutma Günü26 June World Refrigeration Dayair conditioning industry market newsbakım ve onarımları zamanında yaptırmakClimate-friendly air-conditioningClimate-friendly air-conditioning solutionscombating climate crisisCooling critical technologies in industryefficient device purchaseİklim dostu iklimlendirmeİklim dostu iklimlendirme çözümleriiklim krizi ile mücadeleiklimlendirme sektörü piyasası haberleriProf. Dr. Filiz KaraosmanoğluRenewable Energy Resource Guarantee (YEK-G) SystemSanayide soğutma kritik teknolojilerSürdürülebilir Üretim ve Tüketim Derneği (SÜT-D) haberleriSürdürülebilir Üretim ve Tüketim Derneği haberleriSustainable Production and Consumption Association (SÜT-D) newsSustainable Production and Consumption Association newstimely maintenance and repairsverimli cihaz satın alımıWorld Refrigeration DayYenilenebilir Enerji Kaynak Garanti (YEK-G) Sistemi
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