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Industrial Sustainability-Oriented Initiatives Are Provided Full Support…

Industrial Sustainability-Oriented Initiatives Are Provided Full Support…

Schneider Electric’s EcoStructure Platform and AVEVA’s Digital Transformation Solutions have proven to support industrial sustainability initiatives.

Schneider Electric, the world leader in industrial software driving digital transformation and sustainability, AVEVA, announced that its combined technology offerings support mining companies’ sustainability initiatives in four key areas: energy efficiency, efficiency gains, low-carbon emission technology adoption, and new green processes.

Global decarbonization is heavily dependent on the sustainable production of minerals and commodities. A thriving and healthy mining and metals sector is essential to support the innovation of new technologies and materials needed for the global economy and climate change mitigation, environmental protection and circular economy.

Schneider Electric and AVEVA provide the tools organizations need to make informed decisions that will encourage people in the mining, minerals and metals value chains to be more strategic in their choices based on sound recommendations with sustainability in mind. It assists operators and managers in these choices, resulting in reduced operating costs for these organizations to overcome some of the challenges associated with adopting sustainable practices. Thus, it offers the important privilege of satisfying all stakeholders.

According to IDC Technology Spotlight at Transition to Sustainable Mining, Minerals and Metals Practices, sponsored by AVEVA and Schneider Electric, there are three key market pressures driving the sustainability agendas of mining and metals organizations:

– The need to improve brand equity,

– Reducing the risk of an adverse event,

– Adapting to current and future regulations,

IDC Energy Insights WW Mining Senior Research Manager Ben Kirkwood said technology has a critical role to play in supporting mining companies. “Achieving sustainability goals and gaining greater visibility and control over operations will enable corporate understanding and action regarding the management of energy, water use and operational environment. IDC’s global analysis of industrial companies’ revenue growth and profitability reveals that those with a committed and ongoing sustainability-based strategy combined with a long-term, funded digital transformation agenda significantly outperform their competitors.”

Digitalization Promotes Sustainability of Mining and Metals

While IDC Technology Spotlight continues to receive negative reactions from the industry’s perceived stagnant position on sustainability, it also reinforces the fact that platforms with added analytics improve operational efficiency while increasing the visibility of changes made.

By combining digitally integrated operations, power and process intelligence and controls, it can address key areas of an organization’s sustainability agenda, said David Willick, Schneider Electric Vice President Mining, Minerals & Metals Segment North America. “Digitalization is a critical evolution for the welding industry, and Schneider Electric and AVEVA are uniquely qualified to help. We specialize in combining the power of connected systems and human understanding to maximize operational performance. Together, we have earned the trust of the world’s leading companies with thousands of applications on-premises and in the cloud. “Today, our joint customers can benefit from our shared culture of customer-centric innovation, unmatched R&D capabilities and comprehensive industry-specific expertise.”

Martin Provencher, AVEVA Mining, Metals and Materials Industry Manager, noted that while the benefits of digital transformation are clear, the mining industry has so far been limited to legacy infrastructure, data shortages and piecemeal optimization programs. Provencher continued: “Increasingly virulent cyberattacks and increased authorization for decarbonized minerals have made it even more important to have high data availability and adopt a secure, cloud-first approach to visualize enterprise-wide processes in global operations. The combination of energy management solutions, automation systems and services and AVEVA’s Digital Mining Transformation solutions enables our customers to transform their traditional mining operations into smart, resilient and sustainable initiatives.”

Corporate Knights recently named Schneider Electric the world’s most sustainable company. According to IDC Technology Spotlight, Schneider Electric’s EcoStruxure platform, together with AVEVA’s Digital Mining and Metal Transformation solutions, enables sustainable operations and improvement through data collection and analysis.

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