Human Stories Documentary of Enerjisa’s Field Teams: “Our Strength is Human”

The documentary “Our Strength is Human”, prepared with real events experienced by the field teams of Enerjisa Distribution Companies Başkent EDAŞ, Ayedaş and Toroslar EDAŞ, is on the air.
The real events experienced by the field teams in the provinces served by Başkent EDAŞ, Ayedaş and Toroslar EDAŞ, which provide electricity distribution services to more than 21 million people in Turkey, were told and reenacted by the field workers who experienced the events in the documentary “Our Power is Human”.

From Kastamonu to Adana, from Istanbul to Ankara, the human stories of the teams, which carry out different activities such as breakdown-repair-maintenance, meter reading and investment in electricity distribution, meet with the audience in the documentary “Our Power is Human”.

In the documentary, which gives the opportunity to watch and evaluate the electricity distribution field teams working for thousands of customers every day to receive quality and sustainable electricity service, only 14 stories from the countless memories of the teams in 14 cities will be broadcast in sections.

In the documentary, teams sometimes race against time to bring a generator to a child who is connected to an electrical device in an area where there is a power outage, and sometimes a field worker saves the life of a person who fell from a tree with his first aid knowledge and training.

Sometimes in the snowy mountains, field teams who reach places that emergency medical teams cannot reach with snow vehicles bring together a child who has been spilled with boiling water, while sometimes an electric cable carrying energy to the islands under the sea is repaired by divers in Istanbul.

Episodes of the documentary will be broadcast on the Enerjisa Youtube account.

“Gücümüz İnsan” belgeseli“Our Power is Human” documentaryayedaşbaşkent edaŞcapital edaselectricity distribution sector market newselectricity energy sector market newselektrik dağıtım sektörü piyasası haberlerielektrik enerjisi sektörü piyasası haberlerienergy sector market newsenerji sektörü piyasası haberleriEnerjisa Dağıtım ŞirketleriEnerjisa Distribution CompaniesToroslar EDAŞ
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