Green Pi Enerji

5 Mega Trends in Wind Energy in the Years to Come!

5 Mega Trends in Wind Energy in the Years to Come!

While 2020 was defined as the rise of wind, the first half of this year proved that wind energy has the role of saving energy for the world. Wind energy, which has repeatedly proven its mission to save nature and the future, despite the crises experienced and caused by fossil fuels, continues to shape both itself and the world with the investments it has received and will receive.

According to Ali Aydın, General Manager of Ulke Energy, who stated that the dominance of wind energy on land and sea will change many areas, the Energy Newspaper shares 5 mega trends that will be on the agenda in the wind energy sector in the coming years.

1- Capacity increase in offshore wind energy: While the installed power of WPP in the world has reached the level of approximately 743 GW, approximately 707 GW of this is onshore and 35 GW is offshore wind energy. As a result of rapidly developing technology, it is seen that offshore investments are also gaining importance. According to GWEC (Global Wind Energy Council), an average of 80 GW onshore and 14 GW offshore investments are expected annually in the next 5 years. The offshore wind energy sector will also be a market that is expected to grow rapidly both in our country and in the world in the coming years.

2- Power recovery in onshore wind: Compared to previous years, advances in wind energy technology now pave the way for obtaining even more efficiency from wind. That’s why making the most of the strongest wind fields, getting more power output with fewer turbines, and making the life of turbines even more efficient are megatrends in onshore wind.

3- Industrialization in offshore wind energy: Countries and regions with deep waters like our country are entering a period of benefiting from large wind resources. For this, it is necessary to prepare the infrastructure, mass production of dynamic cables and anchors, and for this, the involvement of different industrial branches will allow the development of the offshore wind industry.

4- The negativities in the land wind will be eliminated: The minimal negative effects of wind turbines on land are being addressed further. Further optimization of land use, in particular, is one of the main trends in wind energy in the years to come.

5- Wind energy will be 100% recyclable: The wind energy sector is making efforts not only to be a renewable energy source, but also to make the sector completely recycled. In this sense, the recycling materials that it can offer to other sectors and the use of recycled materials in new turbines are seen as important stages. According to Wind Europe, the European Wind Energy Association, approximately 85-90% of wind turbine components are recycled today.

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