Spain Breaks Daily Record Gas Demand for Power

Spanish power plants bought more natural gas to generate electricity on Wednesday than on any other day since records began, transmission system operator Enagas (ENAG.MC) said on Thursday.

While the extreme summer heat increases the demand for electric air conditioners, cheaper and renewable energy sources contribute less to the system. More expensive gas-powered utilities could close the gap, adding fears of supply disruptions in an already strained market to meet strong demand after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and COVID-19.

The reference gas price, which affects Europe’s energy cost, rose 400% last year. Gas-fired power plants in Spain deliver 764 gigawatt hours (GWh) of fuel, surpassing the previous record of 754 GWh set on June 20, 2008, Enagas said.

arz kesintileridoğalgaz satın alımıdoğalgaz sektörü haberlerielektrik santrallerielektrik sektörü haberleriEnagas (ENAG.MC)energy costenerji maliyetienerji üretimiİletim Sistemi Operatörüİspanyol elektrik santrallerinatural gas purchasenatural gas sector newspower generationPower Plantspower sector newsSpanish power plantssupply interruptionsTransmission System Operator
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