Marchenkovskaya Wind Farm Enters Wholesale Electricity and Capacity Market

The wind energy unit of the Russian State Atomic Energy Agency Rosatom, NovaWind A.Ş. Marchenkovskaya Wind Farm, built by the company, entered the wholesale electricity and capacity market as of July 01, 2021.

The Marchenkovskaya Wind Farm, built in Zimovniki in the Rostov region and with an installed capacity of 120 MW, consists of 48 wind turbines. As confirmed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, 68% of local resources were used in the production process of the equipment used in the wind farm.

Making a statement on the subject, NovaWind A.Ş. Andrey Nesteruk, Deputy General Manager for Wind Farm Lifecycle Management, said: “Although Marchenkovskaya Wind Farm is our first wind farm in the Rostov region, it is not our first production facility operating in the region. We also mass-produce and assemble main wind turbine components in Volgodonsk in the Rostov region. NovaWind Inc. had localized the new permanent magnet wind turbine technology as part of its wind energy projects. In Marchenkocskya Wind Farm, equipment produced entirely in Russia has already been used. All this has allowed many Russian companies to develop new technologies for producing parts for our wind farms. Since the start of the project, we have already put into service 540 MW of wind power capacity. Today, we are carrying out the construction of 3 more wind farms with a total capacity of 240 MW simultaneously.”

NovaWind A.Ş. plans to put into operation two more wind farms with a total capacity of 180 MW in Stavropol by the end of 2021. Rosatom will build wind power plants with a total capacity of approximately 1.2 GW (Giga Watt) by 2024.

Andrey Nesterukenerji sektörü piyasası haberleriMarchenkocskya Rüzgar ÇiftliğiMarchenkovskaya Rüzgar ÇiftliğiNovaWind A.ŞRosatom'dan haberlerrüzgar enerjisi sektörü piyasası haberleritemiz ve yenilenebilir enerji haberleritoptan elektrik ve kapasitesi
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