Green Pi Enerji

‘Marchenkovskaya Wind Farm’s 48 Wind Turbines Installation Completed

‘Marchenkovskaya Wind Farm’s 48 Wind Turbines Installation Completed

NovaWind A.Ş., a subsidiary of Russian State Atomic Energy Agency Rosatom, has completed the assembly of 48 trials at the Marchenkovskaya Wind Farm built in the Rostov region of Russia.
In addition to its turbines on site, the institution center for transformer control construction is complete. In addition, with the laying of 35 kV cable and fiber optic system lines, the 110V transformer center and the acquaintance work have also come to an end.

Making a statement on the subject, NovaWind A.Ş. Andrey Nesteruk, Deputy General Manager for Wind Farm Life Cycle Management, stated that they are currently creating a wind farm at 3 different sites in Stavropol Krai and Rostov, and said, “Marchenkovskaya is Rosatom’s first windbreaker in the Rostov region, whose construction has reached the final stage. He continues to work on the field, as well as the preparations for the supply and the preparation of the farm, “he said.

The farm, whose establishment will be 120 MW, is planned to have over 402 GW of electricity next. The double investment of 48 engine turbines, each with a capacity of 2.5 MW, is over Ruble 16 billion.

enerji sektörü piyasası haberleriMarchenkovskaya Rüzgar ÇiftliğiNovaWind A.Şres haberleriRostov bölgesiRusya'dan haberlerrüzgar enerjisi sektörü piyasası haberlerirüzgar türbini montajıtemiz ve yenilenebilir enerji haberleritrafo kontrol inşaatı
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