This study, the biggest of its kind, looks to consumers’ experiences, concerns, challenges and opportunities around their lifestyles and technology, in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic.
It also covers the consumers’ outlook on urban reality for 2025. The insights are representative of the opinions of 2.3 billion consumers.
Over the last year, the global pandemic has wreaked havoc on the world, bringing forth the biggest socioeconomic crises in modern history. This has been accentuated in cities, which, as engines of economic prosperity and connectors to towns and smaller communities, have acted as corridors for the continued spread of the virus. The pandemic has laid bare the prevalent inequalities and imbalances in
urban areas and aggravated them further by hitting marginalized and vulnerable
groups in society the hardest.
With an estimated loss of more than 3.6 million lives (at the time of publication) and 255 million jobs; around 120 million people falling back into extreme poverty; 170 million children being left out
of school for a year;1 and – as the particularly hardest hit group in society – an estimated USD 800 billion in loss of income for women globally;2 the mounting challenges, sorrows and hardships are
many and severe.
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