Wind Energy Will Be Europe’s Largest Electricity Source After 2025

Electrification is an important factor in the transition to clean energy. Wind energy is seen as the strongest player in obtaining electricity from clean energy. Wind energy will become Europe’s largest electricity source after 2025, and Turkey needs to systematically increase its investment in wind for zero carbon targets.

A global energy transformation is gaining more importance and speed day by day. This change includes not only the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy, but also the correct use of the power obtained from clean energy. According to a report by ETIPWind and WindEurope, electrification is the most cost-effective way to decarbonize the European economy. Expressing that wind energy will lead this process, Ülke Energy General Manager Ali Aydın states that half of the electricity production in Europe will be met by wind energy by 2050, with the right steps to be made from homes to transportation, from production to all industries.

Wind Energy Is On Its Way To Become The Largest Electricity Source

The European Commission’s scenarios predict that wind power will become Europe’s largest source of electricity after 2025, accounting for 50% of Europe’s electricity system by 2050. However, electricity demand in Europe is predicted to rise to 6,800 TWh by 2050. Stating that all these developments will lead to great expansions in wind energy, Ali Aydın states that wind energy, which will be at the center of the energy system of the future, is currently the most cost-effective energy production source. Pointing out that the electrification power linked to wind energy will increase with these breakthroughs in Europe’s decarbonization targets, Aydın said that Turkey should develop more advanced technology in the field of wind energy and implement better permit procedures, and that with this systematic progress, we can make wind energy the number 1 electricity source. expresses it.

Wind-Driven Electrification, the Path to Decarbonization

Agreeing to reduce its carbon emission rate by 55% by 2030, the EU’s first step towards the future is to increase investments in wind energy. In addition, the European Commission’s analysis reports that electrification is the most cost-effective and energy-efficient way to reduce energy sector carbon emissions to net zero by 2050. Here, wind is seen as the biggest clean energy source to lead. Pointing out that wind energy is among the cheapest forms of electricity generation, Aydın states that improvements in turbine technology, quality service in maintenance and repairs, and advanced reporting will make wind energy production outputs even cheaper. For these reasons, wind-based electrification has become more important. According to Aydın, wind energy is the biggest energy power that can accelerate the European and Turkish economy.

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