Sivas SPA to Build Solar Power Plant with an Installed Power of 1.7 MW

A Solar Power Plant (GES) with a capacity of 1.7 MW will be established and operated by Sivas Special Provincial Administration in the Center of Sivas.

While Sivas Special Provincial Administration is planning to “Increase the Solar Power Plant Capacity” in Sivas center, the investment cost of the project is estimated to be approximately 4.2 million TL.

While it is planned to establish a company with the project, a solar power plant with a capacity of 825 kW will be built in addition to the solar power plant with a total capacity of 900 kW. Thus, the total capacity will be 1,725 MW, and the energy to be produced will be connected to the Sivas TM3 center.

clean and renewable energy newsenergy sector newsenerji sektörü piyasası haberlerigüneş enerjisi sektörü piyasası haberleriGüneş Santrali (GES) kurulumu haberleriSivas İl Özel İdaresi haberleriSivas Special Provincial Administration newsSivas TM3solar energy market newsSolar Power Plant (GES) installation newsSubstationtemiz ve yenilenebilir enerji haberleriTrafo Merkezi
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