Green Pi Enerji

Vattenfall Lays the Foundation of ‘World’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm’

Vattenfall Lays the Foundation of ‘World’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm’

The first vessel transporting monopile foundations, weighing up to 955 tonnes each, has departed for the construction site of what is claimed to become the world’s largest offshore wind farm.

Swedish power company Vattenfall is building the 1.5GW Hollandse Kust Zuid project off the Dutch coast.

Once commissioned in 2023, the 140-turbine project is predicted to produce enough energy to power two million homes.

The first turbines are currently scheduled to be commissioned in the spring of 2022, with all turbines expected online by the summer of 2023. Two weeks ago, Vattenfall announced it sold a 49.5% share of the project to the chemicals giant BASF.

enerji sektörü piyasası haberleriHollanda'dan haberlerHollandse Kust Zuid projesires haberlerirüzgar enerjisi sektörü piyasası haberleritemiz ve yenilenebilir enerji haberleriVattenfall
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