Green Pi Enerji

Digital Transformation in Air Conditioning for the Future of the Earth

Digital Transformation in Air Conditioning for the Future of the Earth

Systemair HSK, which provides the air conditioning of giant projects such as factories, shopping malls, airports, city hospitals, emergency hospitals, industrial facilities, accepts as its main responsibility to produce and market energy efficient and reliable air conditioning solutions with ecological sensitivity. Systemair HSK, which continues its efforts to respond to different ventilation needs and to turn environmental and climate movements in favor of the world, is based on digital transformation and sustainable approaches in air conditioning systems.

Systemair HSK, which has made innovative innovations supported by R&D by integrating the technologies that shape the future into air conditioning systems, aims to shape the way of doing business, work areas and operation processes with a focus on sustainability and energy efficiency until 2050, and to become the leader of the sector with these efforts. Stating that they aim for a technological change in the air conditioning industry, especially within the framework of environmental and climate sensitivity, Systemair HSK Deputy General Manager Ayşegül Eroğlu said; He said that they will accelerate the investment and infrastructure works for high quality, long life and low energy consumption products.

Renewable air conditioning systems compatible with Industry 4.0 should become widespread
Expressing that we are facing an increasing energy demand globally, Ayşegül Eroğlu; “In parallel with uncontrolled urbanization and increase in population, there is a serious increase in the use of natural resources. At this point, we need sustainable solutions and a comprehensive digital transformation based on technological infrastructures for a greener world and a livable future. A more effective perspective on the consumption of limited natural resources in the face of the world’s crustal change should become a global priority for all individuals, companies and administrations. It is very critical for our world that this priority is the main argument that governs all processes, especially in the air conditioning sector. As Systemair HSK, we care about the dissemination of renewable energy-based air conditioning systems that are compatible with Industry 4.0, which serve a greener world. In this way, we aim to both protect the ecological balance and save energy.”

Working to reduce carbon emissions in Dilovası

Eroğlu said that the Paris Agreement, which was prepared to achieve the goal of a sustainable world, paved the way for digital transformation; “The digitalization of products, systems and ways of doing business opens an important way to achieve the goals pointed out by the Paris Agreement. For example, digitalization investments in the air conditioning industry are a serious driving force for the reduction of carbon emissions in this agreement. In this regard, we started a simulation study in cooperation with Istanbul Technical University. As the only Turkish factory working on the subject on a global scale, we simulate and measure the carbon footprints of the devices we produce for both the laboratory and data centers we have invested in. Afterwards, we will make this work based in Turkey and use it in all products of Systemair HSK,” he gave the good news that they accelerated the infrastructure work.

Maximum energy efficiency in air conditioning systems with Green Ventilation

Ayşegul Eroglu, who underlined that as Systemair, they have been guiding the European market in terms of high efficiency ventilation devices since the beginning of the 2000s with the concept of Green Ventilation; “In addition to the air conditioning technologies we produce in accordance with the Ecodesign Regulation, which obliges the use of high-efficiency ventilation devices in Europe, we are also ready for Ecodesign 2020, which will come into force in the coming years. While we increase efficiency with our right automation and control systems, we also ensure that all air conditioners and mechanical air conditioners sold in the past, regardless of age and model, become more efficient. We provide high savings by reducing operating costs with a new system installation after the free exploration and project design we offer,” he concluded.

air conditioning sector market newsair conditioning systemsçevre ve iklim hareketleridigital transformation newsDijital dönüşüm haberleriEcodesign 2020efficient energy useEndüstri 4.0Endüstri 4.0 haberlerienvironment and climate movementsGreen Ventilationiklimlendirme sektörü piyasası haberleriiklimlendirme sistemleriIndustry 4.0industry 4.0 newskarbon emisyonunu azaltmakkarbon emisyonunun azaltılmasımechanical air conditioning devicesmekanik iklimlendirme cihazlarıreducing carbon emissionsrenewable air conditioning systemsrenewable energy sourced air conditioning systemssürdürülebilir yaklaşımlarsustainable approachesSystemair HSK haberleriSystemair HSK newsverimli enerji kullanımıyenilenebilir enerji kaynaklı iklimlendirme sistemleriyenilenebilir iklimlendirme sistemleriYeşil Havalandırma (Green Ventilation)
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