CLA Akademi | Enerji Gazetesi

‘Arcelik Team’ Climbed to the Top of Mount Ararat

Kategori : ENERGY AGENDA NEWS, ENERGY EFFICIENCY NEWS - Tarih : 26 August 2021

Playing a pioneering role in the field of sustainability, Arcelik added a new one to the awareness raising that started with Kilimanjaro in 2011, in order to draw attention to climate change within the framework of its vision of “Respect for the World, Respect for the World”. A large team of 16 people, consisting of senior managers of Koc Holding and Arcelik and participants from different countries where Arcelik operates, climbed the highest mountain of Turkey, Agri.

Arcelik, which focuses on sustainability in all business processes in order to leave a livable world to future generations, continues to raise awareness about climate change with every step it takes. The team, consisting of senior executives of Arcelik and Koc Holding and participants from different countries where Arcelik operates, climbed to the summit of Mount Ararat, the highest point of Turkey.

In order to raise awareness about climate change and emphasize the importance of acting together, Fatih Kemal Ebiclioglu, President of Koc Holding Durable Goods Group, Hakan Bulgurlu, CEO of Arcelik, Melih Poyraz, Director of Strategy and Business Development of Koç Holding, Polat Şen, Deputy General Manager of Arçelik Finance and Financial Affairs, Arçelik Europe, Middle East, North Africa & America Deputy General Manager Ragıp Balcıoğlu and Arçelik Human Resources Assistant General Manager Toygan Pulat, as well as the 16-person team consisting of participants from different countries. He made a summit climb to Ağrı, which is the highest mountain of our country with 5,137 meters.

Stating that Arcelik plays a major role in the fight against climate change with the responsibility of being a global company, Koc Holding Durable Goods Group President Fatih Kemal Ebiçlioğlu said, Climate change is among the most important global problems of our time. In this direction, companies act with the awareness of both the impact of the sector in which they operate on the environment and climate change and the responsibilities that fall upon them as an institution. As Arçelik, we carry out our efforts to leave a better future for the society, the world and the young generations while continuing our commercial activities and realizing our investments. Within the framework of our sustainability vision, we carry our performance on climate change to a higher level with each passing day. Mountains; a holistic example of life, biodiversity and unity on earth – it brings history to life with its stories and life to living things with its ecosystem. For this reason, we, as a team, added a new one to the awareness climbing that started with Kilimanjaro in 2011 by climbing Mount Ararat to emphasize our commitment to nature and to remember our responsibilities again. With our climb, we experienced again the importance of teaming up and acting together for nature and a new way of life. The recent fire and flood disasters in our country and in the world have shown us once again the increasing effects of the climate crisis and the importance of acting together in this fight. As Arçelik, we will continue to support the sustainable development of our geography, protect nature by reducing our environmental impact, and create value for our country and the world in the coming period.”

In order to draw attention to global warming, the Arcelik team had previously successfully completed the climbing of Kilimanjaro in 2011 and 2018, Elbrus in 2017 and 2018, and Aconcagua in January 2019, thanks to their team spirit and leadership skills.

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