CLA Akademi | Enerji Gazetesi

What is “EKOenergy Eco Label Climate Fund” and What Does It Do?

EKOenergy Climate Fund is a fund managed by EKOenergy and supports renewable energy projects in low and middle-income countries.... 

EKOappetite: EKOenergy For The Food Sector

Users of EKOenergy-labelled energy enable us to set up renewable energy campaigns through which we reach out to energy consumers... 

Elder Press Conference Cigdem Yorgancioglu Impressions – Intercaptions…

Electricity Distribution Services Association (Elder), which continues its activities as an umbrella organization of which... 

Few Breezes Of Cigdem Yorgancioglu For Turcas 2023 Activity Report

Turcas, known for its investments in the Fuel and Energy sectors, announced its 2023 fiscal year The Ordinary General Assembly... 

Chi Ci Talks at The French Consulate Climate Geopolitics

Scientist François Gemenne, co-director of the Defense and Climate Observatory of the French Ministry of Defense, at Cigdem... 

G20 countries Etiketli Yazılar

According to a new report by the Euro-Mediterranean Center for Climate Change (CMCC), the resulting climate impacts will cause irreversible devastation in G20 countries unless urgent action is taken to reduce emissions. The first study of its kind, the... 
New research published by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and Climate Analytics reveals the crucial impact of G20 countries on limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C. In the published report, G20 countries, which cause 75% of global greenhouse... 
Following the report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), described as “code red”, published last week, today IPSOS published the results of the opinion poll conducted by Mori and the Global Commons Alliance. The research... 
According to Ember’s Global Electricity Review 2021 report, wind and solar power generated almost 1 in 10 of the world’s electricity in 2020. It is also stated that Turkey’s production in the field of renewable energy has exceeded the... 
With the Paris Agreement governments agreed that global greenhouse gas emissions need to be net-zero by 2050 to limit global warming to well below 2°C; but current emission reductions efforts fall short reaching this goal, the world is currently... 
Green Pi Enerji

EcoGreen | Biyokütle - Biyogaz - Güneş Enerjisi Santralleri




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