CLA Akademi | Enerji Gazetesi

Enerjisa Enerji Executes Record Bond Issuance of TRY 4.8 Billion

Enerjisa Enerji, Turkey’s leading electricity distribution, retail, and customer solutions company, has successfully executed... 

CLC 360 – Touches To The “Geleceğe Değer” Project From The Perspective of MIM Chi 360

Energy Expert, Judicial Expert, Energy Newspaper (Enerji Gazetesi İst) Senior Editor& Columnist  Çiğdem Yorgancioglu’s... 

Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu Said at TUREK : “The Power of Wind Power is Windy”

This year, the 13th Turkish Wind Energy Congress TUREK 2024  organized by TÜREK-Turkish Wind Energy Association provided... 

Ethical Journalism in Terms of Decarbonization and Climate Crisis

Ethical journalism plays a crucial role in shaping public perception and understanding of important issues, including decarbonization... 

It is Possible to Produce Your Energy at Your Own Place with Mini Wind Turbines…

Özbilgin Enerji produces the best vertical axis wind turbines with 1 kW, 3 kW, 5 kW and 10 kW power options, with the latest... 

rüzgar enerjisi sektörü piyasası haberleri Etiketli Yazılar

NovaWind A.Ş., a subsidiary of Russian State Atomic Energy Agency Rosatom, has completed the assembly of 48 trials at the Marchenkovskaya Wind Farm built in the Rostov region of Russia. In addition to its turbines on site, the institution center for... 
According to Ember’s Global Electricity Review 2021 report, wind and solar power generated almost 1 in 10 of the world’s electricity in 2020. It is also stated that Turkey’s production in the field of renewable energy has exceeded the... 
Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland and Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo today announced approval of the construction and operation of the Vineyard Wind project. The first large-scale, offshore wind project in the United States. The Secretaries were... 
While the electricity generation capacity of our country increased by 1.5 GW in the last 4 months to 97,376.5 MW, the biggest share of the increase was wind energy. In the first 4 months, 652.5 MW installed wind energy power was commissioned. Latest status... 
Energy Minister Fatih Dönmez announced that Turkey is approaching the limit of 100,000 MW in total installed power and today, 52.3% of our installed power is from renewable energy. Minister Dönmez attended the summit with the theme of “New Economic... 
Combining wind power, solar energy, batteries and in future even electrolysers, allows hybrid parks to be more cost effective by sharing infrastructure such as roads, grid connections or substations and even support the grid stability. Hybrid parks can... 
Coming in first place is Russia’s capital city, Moscow, which needs a staggering 2,781 offshore turbines to power the capital. The UK has the largest wind farm market, beating other world leaders such as Germany and China – so much so, that 20%... 
WindESCo, the pioneer in wind energy optimization, has been selected to present WeBoost, its SaaS-based AEP improvement solution, to investors and industry representatives at the 2021 NREL Industry Growth Forum (IGF) held virtually on April 20-22, 2021.... 
There were 61 electricity procurement contracts announced in the Europe region in Q1 2021, marking a rise of 42% over the last four-quarter average of 43, according to GlobalData’s power industry contracts database. Power Plant stood at first place... 
There were 29 T&D project contracts announced in the Asia-Pacific region in Q1 2021, marking a rise of 45% over the last four-quarter average of 20, according to GlobalData’s power industry contracts database. Power Plant stood at first place when... 
Global Spending on Renewable Energy to Hit $243 Billion in 2021, 22% Lower than Oil and Gas Spending. Capital spending on renewable energy is in a period of robust growth and is on track to catch up with oil and gas spending. According to the research... 
In this special edition of GWEC’s 16th annual flagship report ahead of the crucial COP26 conference in November 2021, the Global Wind Report 2021 highlights wind power’s role on the road to net zero. 2020 was the best year in history for the global... 
Green Pi Enerji

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