CLA Akademi | Enerji Gazetesi

Enerjisa Enerji Executes Record Bond Issuance of TRY 4.8 Billion

Enerjisa Enerji, Turkey’s leading electricity distribution, retail, and customer solutions company, has successfully executed... 

CLC 360 – Touches To The “Geleceğe Değer” Project From The Perspective of MIM Chi 360

Energy Expert, Judicial Expert, Energy Newspaper (Enerji Gazetesi İst) Senior Editor& Columnist  Çiğdem Yorgancioglu’s... 

Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu Said at TUREK : “The Power of Wind Power is Windy”

This year, the 13th Turkish Wind Energy Congress TUREK 2024  organized by TÜREK-Turkish Wind Energy Association provided... 

Ethical Journalism in Terms of Decarbonization and Climate Crisis

Ethical journalism plays a crucial role in shaping public perception and understanding of important issues, including decarbonization... 

It is Possible to Produce Your Energy at Your Own Place with Mini Wind Turbines…

Özbilgin Enerji produces the best vertical axis wind turbines with 1 kW, 3 kW, 5 kW and 10 kW power options, with the latest... 

rüzgar enerjisi yatırımları Etiketli Yazılar

Australia finally has a net zero target. Even without being legislated, it matters as a signal. It will effectively be bipartisan, a rare and valuable thing in Australia’s climate policy. Of course the long-term goal could be used to deflect from the... 
The Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan announced that it is planned to raise the renewable energy targets for 2030, and new tenders will be held in wind and solar energy. In its statement on 06 August 2021, the Ministry will increase the solar energy installed... 
Wind energy meets 16% of the electricity need in Europe and about 9% in Turkey. Wind, which is clean and cheap energy, also represents 300,000 jobs in the EU, while each newly installed wind turbine generates 10 million euros of economic activity. As... 
This is an abridged version of BloombergNEF’s annual accounting of global investment in the low-carbon energy transition. BNEF clients can find the full version on Bloomberg Terminal or Previously focused on renewables, the report now includes... 
Wind and solar power have gotten so cheap that other forms of renewable energy have been relegated to science labs and the dustbins of history. As wind turbines and solar farms sprout around the world, investments in other technologies that produce power... 
Green Pi Enerji

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