CLA Akademi | Enerji Gazetesi

Enerjisa Enerji Executes Record Bond Issuance of TRY 4.8 Billion

Enerjisa Enerji, Turkey’s leading electricity distribution, retail, and customer solutions company, has successfully executed... 

CLC 360 – Touches To The “Geleceğe Değer” Project From The Perspective of MIM Chi 360

Energy Expert, Judicial Expert, Energy Newspaper (Enerji Gazetesi İst) Senior Editor& Columnist  Çiğdem Yorgancioglu’s... 

Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu Said at TUREK : “The Power of Wind Power is Windy”

This year, the 13th Turkish Wind Energy Congress TUREK 2024  organized by TÜREK-Turkish Wind Energy Association provided... 

Ethical Journalism in Terms of Decarbonization and Climate Crisis

Ethical journalism plays a crucial role in shaping public perception and understanding of important issues, including decarbonization... 

It is Possible to Produce Your Energy at Your Own Place with Mini Wind Turbines…

Özbilgin Enerji produces the best vertical axis wind turbines with 1 kW, 3 kW, 5 kW and 10 kW power options, with the latest... 

combating climate change Etiketli Yazılar

“Who’s Gonna End?”, a new song released today by Turkish Eurovision winner Sertab Erener and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Turkey, issues an urgent call for everyone to join hands to fight climate change, end poverty, promote... 
A new partnership formed aims to increase investments in renewable energy projects to speed up the global transition to net-zero emissions. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) will leverage their networks... 
Commenting on the newly announced Green Development moves, Altensis Co-Founder Dr. Emre Ilıcalı positively evaluated the official acceptance of the Green movement by Turkey, which affects all economies in the world, especially in Europe. Commenting... 
McKinsey & Company, together with the C40 Cities Climate Leadership network, prepared a report on the adaptation process of cities to climate change. The report, which includes 15 high-potential action proposals that can be implemented in cities with... 
Yapı Kredi became the first institution to commit to the “Business Ambition for 1.5°C” to the Science Based Target Initiative. The emission reduction targets to be determined by Yapı Kredi will be publicly announced after verification by... 
The year-end oil price forecast by the American investment bank JP Morgan was reduced by $5 per barrel. In the report prepared by JP Morgan, the crude oil price forecast for the end of 2021 was reduced from $83/barrel to $78/barrel. In addition, the 3rd... 
The European Union Commission has prepared the regulation package, which includes the Green Agreement targets it has prepared within the scope of combating climate change. The said package, which aims to reduce EU greenhouse gas emissions by 55 percent,... 
While ‘Solar 3 GW’ continues to offer business model proposals for the healthy and consistent development of the solar energy sector, these business models are; improved self-consumption model, PPP model and licensed model without tender,... 
G20 finance leaders recognized carbon pricing as a potential tool to address climate change for the first time in an official communique on Saturday, taking a tentative step towards promoting the idea and coordinating carbon reduction policies. The move... 
New research published by Yale University reveals that people around the world are highly concerned about climate change and want governments to take action on it. In this survey, conducted by Yale University Climate Change Communication Program researchers... 
According to a new analysis from the findings of the International Institute for Sustainable Development, 12 percent of the public finance provided by the G20 and Multilateral Development Banks for natural gas projects in developing countries between... 
According to the EY Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness annual index; Ahead of the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference, many countries are planning to raise their energy targets despite weak economic conditions. Global renewable energy capacity... 
Green Pi Enerji

EcoGreen | Biyokütle - Biyogaz - Güneş Enerjisi Santralleri




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