CLA Akademi | Enerji Gazetesi

Enerjisa Enerji Executes Record Bond Issuance of TRY 4.8 Billion

Enerjisa Enerji, Turkey’s leading electricity distribution, retail, and customer solutions company, has successfully executed... 

CLC 360 – Touches To The “Geleceğe Değer” Project From The Perspective of MIM Chi 360

Energy Expert, Judicial Expert, Energy Newspaper (Enerji Gazetesi İst) Senior Editor& Columnist  Çiğdem Yorgancioglu’s... 

Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu Said at TUREK : “The Power of Wind Power is Windy”

This year, the 13th Turkish Wind Energy Congress TUREK 2024  organized by TÜREK-Turkish Wind Energy Association provided... 

Ethical Journalism in Terms of Decarbonization and Climate Crisis

Ethical journalism plays a crucial role in shaping public perception and understanding of important issues, including decarbonization... 

It is Possible to Produce Your Energy at Your Own Place with Mini Wind Turbines…

Özbilgin Enerji produces the best vertical axis wind turbines with 1 kW, 3 kW, 5 kW and 10 kW power options, with the latest... 

greenhouse gas emissions Etiketli Yazılar

Despite the economic significance and Impact of Maritime ports, they have damaging impacts on the environment, comprising local air pollution and water contamination, greenhouse gas emissions, noise and air pollution, traffic congestion and widespread... 
Türkiye could increase its GDP by as much as US$8 billion per year, create more than 300,000 new jobs by 2030, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 8 percent compared to the 2019 level – all by investing in renewable energy rather than continuing... 
The U.S. Transportation Department said on Thursday it would award $6.4 billion over 5 years to states to fund projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The funding, part of a $1 trillion infrastructure bill approved by Congress in November, will help... 
While Daikin, the pioneer of the air-conditioning industry, aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero in 2050, Daikin Turkey has also published its first ‘Sustainability Report’, announcing the work carried out within this framework. Accordingly,... 
If the internet were a country, it would be the seventh largest polluter in the world, by some estimates. While greenhouse gas emissions temporarily dipped during the pandemic, the resulting crisis also accelerated the world’s dependence on online... 
One crucial indicator of the level of urgency for taking climate action is the social cost of carbon dioxide (SCCO2), which represents the total welfare lost across the globe due to an extra emitted tonne of CO2, usually expressed in US dollars per tonne... 
Attribution analysis by an international team of leading climate scientists reveals that the unprecedented heatwaves in parts of the US and Canada last week would not have occurred without climate change as a result of human activities. Scientists say... 
The US needs to commit to slashing its planet-heating emissions by at least half by the end of the decade to address the climate crisis and spur other countries to greater action, a coalition of American environmental groups has urged. Joe Biden’s administration... 
The combined emissions of the richest 1% of the global population account for more than twice the share of the poorest 50%. That’s according to the Emissions Gap Report by UN Environment Programme (UNEP), which suggests the richest 1% will need to... 
The U.K. should eliminate almost all greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 by rapidly adopting policies that will change everything from the way people heat their homes to what they eat, an independent committee that advises the British government on climate... 
Green Pi Enerji

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