CLA Akademi | Enerji Gazetesi

What is “EKOenergy Eco Label Climate Fund” and What Does It Do?

EKOenergy Climate Fund is a fund managed by EKOenergy and supports renewable energy projects in low and middle-income countries.... 

EKOappetite: EKOenergy For The Food Sector

Users of EKOenergy-labelled energy enable us to set up renewable energy campaigns through which we reach out to energy consumers... 

Elder Press Conference Cigdem Yorgancioglu Impressions – Intercaptions…

Electricity Distribution Services Association (Elder), which continues its activities as an umbrella organization of which... 

Few Breezes Of Cigdem Yorgancioglu For Turcas 2023 Activity Report

Turcas, known for its investments in the Fuel and Energy sectors, announced its 2023 fiscal year The Ordinary General Assembly... 

Chi Ci Talks at The French Consulate Climate Geopolitics

Scientist François Gemenne, co-director of the Defense and Climate Observatory of the French Ministry of Defense, at Cigdem... 

renewable energy capacity Etiketli Yazılar

Ernest & Young (EY) consulting firm has published a global study today that reveals an investment opportunity of US$ 2 trillion with 13,000 renewable energy projects ready for installation worldwide. These groundbreaking projects have the potential... 
Renewable energy 2030 targets already written into official policy by 87 governments around the world would mean the construction of an estimated 721 gigawatts of new capacity in wind, solar and other non-hydro renewable power technologies over the next... 
The latest report on energy system developments shows that 176 GWs of new renewable energy capacity accounted for 72% of all new energy capacity additions in 2019. The data, released in the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)’s annual Renewable... 
After nearly two decades of strong annual growth, renewables around the world added as much net capacity in 2018 as they did in 2017, an unexpected flattening of growth trends that raises concerns about meeting long-term climate goals. Last year was the... 
Green Pi Enerji

EcoGreen | Biyokütle - Biyogaz - Güneş Enerjisi Santralleri




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