CLA Akademi | Enerji Gazetesi

Initiative Towards the Development of Energy-Saving Building Technology


Mitsubishi Electric should be designed to fail at the net zero energy building test center SUSTIE building technology. As part of the Company’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this section includes; development work for increased maintenance through research and application experiments, “energy technologies compatible with zero energy building”.

Electricity in Mitsub, which acts on the development of a modern and comfortable design in a fun and entertaining design; The SUST facility, with 38 million government investment, implemented Information Technologies R&D in Kamakura, Japan in October 2020. SUSTIE talks about the combination of the words “Sustainability” and “Energy” to express the office that explores and demonstrates its power and care and comfort. SUSTIE, which has the highest rating of 5 stars and net Zero Energy Building (ZEB) by the Building-Housing Energy-Efficiency Labeling System (BELS-Building-Housing Energy Efficiency Labeling System); it also holds the highest S rating from the CASBEE Wellness Office, a certification system in the field of health and comfort.

The new generation will be paved with the SUSTIE facility

Building technology that meets the standards of tomorrow will be needed more. Business Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) publication support SUSTIE; The accelerated development and testing phases of energy ceremonies compatible with the widespread building will be realized, and interior spaces that will consume more energy will be realized. In the facility, there are 9 different tests, 3 on each floor from the 2nd to the 4th floor, in which various exercises are held under different conditions.

Mitsubishi Electric’s understanding of net zero energy building: ZEB+

Mitsubishi Electric; To benefit from applications aimed at productivity, comfort, and business continuity in order to benefit from a life. Net Zero Energy Building or ZEB means a building with zero or zero base energy consumption. This can be achieved by energy sources such as solar panels or energy technologies such as high efficiency solar panels in the building, natural energy use or high efficiency.

Mitsubishi Electric’s common use is the most efficient use

With the VRF model Gran Multi® (for the Japanese market), one of those specially dressed for a better look than SUSTIE. It is one of the spaces equipped with ventilation systems that benefit from the movement of people in the room and CO2. Lossnay shopping.i transportation alleviates, reduces heat The light system exhibited with small values ​​compared to conventional AC power ratings is also in SUSTIE’s exemplary exams and elevators. Motion-sensitive MILIE® LEDs consume high energy in the center with mostly illuminators, the hot Water Pump system used for heating also increases the high temperature and greatly reduces total CO2 emissions as well as operating costs. In addition, Mitsubishi Electric elevators, high engine gains recovery.

The facility is powered by energy

It consumes natural energy from the sun thanks to the solar panels located on the entire roof of the facility and on the eaves of each floor used in the design. Sections from the natural winds section are airborne through the ventilation windows. In this way, heating and cooling panels are preferred by warming you or correctly. The heated air accumulates in the upper part of the middle courtyard; when this hot air is released, it is in the system ventilation systems. In order to cool the hot air in summer, it is also deducted from the cold air of the hot water pump.

Applied to balance appropriate things between energy and comfort

SUSTIE industrial technology is rich in net temporal energy, which is considered in terms of energy consumption and comfort, as well as source lighting. You like the price of the ideal balance between energy and comfort. This technology is provided by the SUSTIE building simulator, which can be managed in a virtual environment. Mitsubishi Electric’s buildings and facilities are created as an exact copy of the model, and energy consumption and model models are extremely comprehensive.

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