CLA Akademi | Enerji Gazetesi

15 Action Suggestions for Cities to Adapt to Climate Change


McKinsey & Company, together with the C40 Cities Climate Leadership network, prepared a report on the adaptation process of cities to climate change. The report, which includes 15 high-potential action proposals that can be implemented in cities with different characteristics, is expected to support the strategies of leaders in local governments. Suggesting that the process should be divided into 4 steps for a successful implementation, McKinsey & Company Turkey Country Director Can Kendi said; He emphasized that attention should be paid to the elements of “governance”, “strategic planning”, “monitoring-reporting”, “capacity development-stakeholder management” and “financing”.

McKinsey & Company and the C40 Cities Climate Leadership network investigated how cities can adapt to climate change in a report they prepared. The report draws attention to the fact that climate change can directly increase both the severity and frequency of natural disasters such as forest fires and floods; It aims to help leaders in local governments set priorities and choose courses of action. The report includes a starting list of 15 high-potential actions that could be implemented in cities with different characteristics. According to McKinsey experts; four of these actions build systemic resilience by strengthening the city from each profile. Eleven actions target specific physical climate risks. Many of the actions proposed for the solution reduce the risk of climate change while reducing carbon emissions. In the report, it is stated that each city will need to prioritize appropriate actions with its unique conditions; What needs to be done for a successful implementation is collected in 4 steps and it is recommended to carefully follow 5 elements throughout the process.

Sea level rise and floods could affect 800 million people by 2050

McKinsey & Company Turkey Country Director Can Kendi made a statement regarding the report, “Cities are at the forefront of the increasing risks associated with climate change. More than half of the world’s population lives in cities. By 2050, this rate is expected to increase to 68 percent. Cities are generally; It is located on coastlines, around stream beds and in places with certain climate risks such as islands. While local governments take action, city residents must adapt to climate change to protect their lives and livelihoods. By 2050, more than 800 million urban residents could be affected by sea level rise and coastal flooding. In addition, 650 million people may face water scarcity.

Emphasizing that the report is an action-oriented call, Can Kendi continued his words as follows: “We believe that this report, which we prepared together with the C40 Cities Climate Leadership network, and the 15 high-potential action proposals we shared, will be a useful guide in addressing climate change risks in cities. Depending on its geographical location, natural features, infrastructure conditions and financial opportunities, each city can determine the priority of these actions for itself. However, I would like to point out the 4 steps we recommend for a successful implementation and the 5 factors that must be considered. First step; It starts with identifying the dangers that cities face today and likely to materialize in the coming decades. In the second step; A list of current and potential harmonization actions should be created, taking into account the city’s conditions. In the third step, feasibility analyzes should be carried out for the determined actions and finally an effective implementation plan should be prepared. “Governance”, “strategic planning”, “monitoring-reporting”, “capacity development-stakeholder management” and “financing” stand out as the five elements that should be considered in order for the adaptation plans of cities to be efficient and effective.

4 actions to increase the resilience of cities against climate change

In general, the first of the 4 actions that will increase the resilience of all cities against climate change is the assessment of risks. Creating hazard maps for the city, making spatial analyzes and impact assessments are among the first steps to be taken. McKinsey experts recommend including these risks in city plans and the preparation of early warning systems and protocols as second and third actions. In the fourth place; The provision of climate insurance that will protect people financially against possible natural disasters.

McKinsey experts offer 11 action recommendations for the 5 biggest threats to cities

The other 11 actions taken by McKinsey experts aim to protect cities against the 5 key dangers posed by climate change. Two solutions are proposed to reduce heat, both at street level and at urban scale, against extreme temperatures from these hazards. These; afforestation of streets and streets and techniques that reflect the sun.

Click to Reach The Full Report >>>

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