CLA Akademi | Enerji Gazetesi

Enerjisa Enerji Executes Record Bond Issuance of TRY 4.8 Billion

Enerjisa Enerji, Turkey’s leading electricity distribution, retail, and customer solutions company, has successfully executed... 

CLC 360 – Touches To The “Geleceğe Değer” Project From The Perspective of MIM Chi 360

Energy Expert, Judicial Expert, Energy Newspaper (Enerji Gazetesi İst) Senior Editor& Columnist  Çiğdem Yorgancioglu’s... 

Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu Said at TUREK : “The Power of Wind Power is Windy”

This year, the 13th Turkish Wind Energy Congress TUREK 2024  organized by TÜREK-Turkish Wind Energy Association provided... 

Ethical Journalism in Terms of Decarbonization and Climate Crisis

Ethical journalism plays a crucial role in shaping public perception and understanding of important issues, including decarbonization... 

It is Possible to Produce Your Energy at Your Own Place with Mini Wind Turbines…

Özbilgin Enerji produces the best vertical axis wind turbines with 1 kW, 3 kW, 5 kW and 10 kW power options, with the latest... 

iea report Etiketli Yazılar

Renewable energy, led by solar power, could make up 80% of the growth in electricity generation over the next decade, according to a report published Tuesday. The International Energy Agency said it is now consistently cheaper to generate electricity by... 
Spending on oil and gas has fallen much more than investment in renewables, according to International Energy Agency. The world’s transition to cleaner sources of energy is gaining speed as the coronavirus pandemic accelerates a shift in investment... 
While there is rich extant literature on India’s dependence on and its long-term need for natural gas and coal, there is not a similar understanding of non-fuel minerals, particularly the critical minerals. A study by the Department of Science and Technology... 
Global carbon dioxide emissions stopped growing in 2019, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has claimed in a new report. According to the report released today, global CO2 emissions held at around 33 gigatonnes (Gt) last year, following two years... 
Green Pi Enerji

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