CLA Akademi | Enerji Gazetesi

B Takımı’ndan G20`ye Çağrı…

Kategori : ENERJİ GÜNDEMİ - Tarih : 13 Kasım 2015

Ünlü şirketlerin CEO`ları, Antalya`da bir araya gelen G20 liderlerinden iklim değişikliğiyle mücadele için destek istedi.

Uluslararası kamouyonunun gözü, dünyanın ekonomik, siyasal ve sosyal geleceği üzerinde önemli etkileri bulunması beklenen G20 Liderler b-takimindan-g20ye-cagriZirvesinde.

İklim değişikliğiyle mücadele de Antalya`da gerçekleşecek zirvede ele alınacak konuların başında geliyor. Özellikle sürdürülebilir bir gelecek kaygısı taşıyan çevreci hareket temsilcileri G20 liderlerinden iklim değişikliğinin ve küresel ısınmanın önüne geçecek önlemler konusunda anlaşmalarını arzu ediyor.

Bu konudaki taleplerini dünyanın çeşitli ülkelerindeki toplantılarda dile getiriyorlar. İstanbul`da da Boğaziçi Üniversitesi`nde bu konuda çok sayıda konuşmacının yer aldığı etkinlikler düzenleniyor.

Bu arada, G20`ye yönelik bir iklim çağrısı da iş dünyasından geldi. Aralarında Unilever, Tiffany ve Fortune 250 firmalarından biri olan küresel ölçekli enerji şirketi NRG Energy`in CEO`larının da aralarında bulunduğu 22 küresel şirket yöneticisi, 15-16 Kasım`da Türkiye`de yapılacak olan G20 toplantısı öncesinde devlet başkanlarına mektup gönderdi.

G20`ye nazire olarak kendilerine Business kelimesinden yola çıkarak The B Team adını veren bu isimlerin mektubunda, iklim değişikliği ile mücadele etmenin önemi vurgulanıyor. Mektupta, Paris`te Kasım sonunda başlayacak iklim zirvesinden uzun vadeli bir iklim hedefinin çıkması gerektiği belirtildi. Mektup, aynı zamanda Paris`ten hemen önce düzenlenen G20 zirvesinin neden iklim değişikliği için önemli olduğuna vurgu yaparken, G20 liderlerinden de iklim anlaşmasının uzun vadeli hedefi içermesi konusunda destek taleplerini içeriyor.


Your Excellency,

We are writing to you because we believe we are at a critical juncture for people and our planet.

As you will be aware, signatories to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change have committed to limit the global average temperature increase to below 2°C We are writing to request that this existing commitment is translated into an actionable Long-Term Goal at COP21. The science, economic costs and social risks of climate change are becoming increasingly clear. We believe that securing a Long-Term Goal in Paris should therefore be an urgent personal priority for you, as it is for all of us.

Setting a Long-Term Goal is critical to protect people and the planet

There are many crucial issues at stake at COP21, but a Long-Term Goal is essential because it will facilitate the mobilisation of economic and human resources and will inspire the private sector to invest and innovate to achieve de-carbonisation of the global economy at the speed and scale required.

We are seeking a global commitment to achieve a net-zero greenhouse-gas emissions economy by 2050. We know this is ambitious, but it is ambition that will generate the global momentum and focus that is critical to success.

This commitment will require shifting the global energy system to clean energy and innovation across all sectors of the economy. It will unleash new technological solutions, mobilise large-scale investment, and shape consumer behavior, all of which will create new jobs and unprecedented economic opportunities.

In our view, the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by all governments in September cannot be achieved in the absence of an ambitious Long-Term Goal. The failure to limit the global average temperature increase to 2°C will dramatically undermine the right to development particularly of our least developed countries where the impacts of climate change are already destroying livelihoods.

By targeting a net-zero emissions economy by 2050, we should be able to protect the planet’s biodiversity and ecosystems upon which all life depends, and achieve a global economic transition that results in a more equitable future by lifting millions of people out of poverty.

As many of you prepare for the upcoming G20 and COP21 gatherings, now is the time to voice your support for a Long-Term Goal in the Paris Agreement.

We are setting Long-Term Goals for our own organisations

Consistent with this request for action, we are already setting Long-Term Goals for our own companies with the aim of significantly reducing our impacts.

Many of the signatories to this letter have now committed to a “Net-Zero by 2050” target for the companies we lead2 achieve this goal – the Chinese construction company Broad Group; the African telecommunications company Econet; the French apparel and accessories group Kering; the Brazilian cosmetics company Natura; the US electricity company NRG Energy; the Kenyan mobile network operator Safaricom; the global enterprise cloud computing company Salesforce; the internationally renowned jeweler Tiffany & Co.; the global consumer goods company Unilever; and the international investment group Virgin Group.

We hope that our actions and commitments, alongside those of thousands of companies around the world who are already investing in the transition, will support you in securing a Long-Term Goal in Paris next month.

Let’s work together to make it happen

We the undersigned state our support for a specific and ambitious Long-Term Goal, knowing it is arguably the principal lens through which Paris will be judged. Without it, COP21 will fail to send a clear signal to business leaders to take real and urgent action.

We believe that only Heads of State, acting together, can truly set a Long-Term Goal for the global economy. This is your time to lead in the negotiations by clarifying your vision. As a diverse group of business and civil society leaders, we stand by you in driving forward an ambitious agenda. We understand it is also our responsibility and our time to demonstrate leadership by taking bold actions in all our spheres of influence.

We look forward to supporting your leadership in Paris and beyond.

Yours sincerely,

Sir Richard Branson
Co-Chair The B Team
Founder, Virgin Group

Jochen Zeitz
Co-Chair The B Team Director,
Kering and Harley-Davidson

Josh Bayliss
CEO, Virgin Group

Marc Benioff
Founder, Chairman and CEO,

Sharan Burrow
General Secretary,
International Trade Union Confederation

David Crane
CEO, NRG Energy

Frederic Cumenal
CEO, Tiffany & Co.

Arianna Huffington
Chair, President & Editor in Chief,
Huffington Post

Guilherme Leal
Co-Founder, Natura

Roberto Lima
CEO, Natura

Strive Masiyiwa
Founder & Chairman,

Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
Former Coordinating Minister of the Economy & Minister of Finance, Nigeria

François-Henri Pinault
CEO and Chairman of The Board of Directors,

Paul Polman
CEO, Unilever

Ratan Tata
Chairman Emeritus,
Tata Group

Zhang Yue
Chairman and Founder,
The BROAD Group

Professor Muhammad Yunus
Chairman, Yunus Centre

Kaynak: Enerji Günlüğü

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